Stories of Australian Science 2016

This collection features more than 70 stories and celebrates the best of the past year’s Australian science: from supercharged rice to feed the world; halving brain scarring from strokes; what unboiling an egg means for pharmaceuticals; using maths to save seagrass sanctuaries; and printed medical tools from the scientists who brought us the world’s first printed jet engine.

Stories 2016 And there’s a special feature on Australia-Indonesia collaborations.

We’ve also included the winners of many of Australia’s science prizes, and we’ve got the best young researchers from Fresh Science.

Read the individual stories here, or view them together as a PDF here along with our earlier editions.

We’ve already promoted the collection at the AAAS in Washington, and over the coming months we will distribute 15,000 copies to journalists, embassies, schools, MPs and others in Australia and around the world. Read the full distribution here.

And we’re sharing all the stories on Facebook, Instagram, andTwitter via @AusSciStories.

Please feel free to use the stories for your own social media, website and publications. Everything is available for reuse under a Creative Commons licence.


It’s not always 42: new maths for the big questions

When earth, wind, and sea meet

Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

Australia Indonesia collaborations

Building an emotionally healthy community

Science Prizes

  • Eureka Prizes
  • State Awards
  • Australian Academy of Science Medals 2015
  • Early career awards
  • ATSE Clunies Ross Medals
  • Fresh Science

Hundreds of Aussie science achievements that you can share in speeches, posts and publications